Since Bale finished playing Batman, both Ben Affleck and Robert Pattinson have taken on the role. Together, Nolan and Bale redefined the comic book movie with their grounded approach to the genre in 'Batman Begins.' With the 2008 sequel 'The Dark Knight,' the duo delivered what many still regard as the greatest superhero movie ever made. Let's not linger too long.' In my mind, it would be something if Chris Nolan ever said to himself, 'You know what, I've got another story to tell.' And if he wished to tell that story with me, I'd be in," Bale added. Let's make three films, if we're lucky enough to get to do that. No one's ever said that'," Bale said when asked about reprising Batman.

Occasionally people say to me, 'Oh, I hear you were approached and offered all this." And I'm like, 'That's news to me.