
Doom registered 1.9
Doom registered 1.9

doom registered 1.9

It's never really occurred to me my last name is shorter than what's typical. It did bring to my attention that I may have the shortest anglo saxon descent last name. Then they tell me my last name is invalid! Apparently they don't think four letter last names exist. They fricking require your mailing address to register with the site! Unreal. There ya go: guy claims to have original doom on floppies but does he still have the box and original disks in good condition? And if so, is he willing to relinquish them? I registered with GameSpot and am waiting for an email confirmation so that I can send him a PM to find out what the status is on the disks. "I know its not doom 2 but, did anyone buy the original doom one on floppy? Man i did, and i jest found them! ahh my precious. This might have some value to anyone as it solved a problem of someone trying to get his original doom 3.5 floppies installed and first disk was corrupt-offers a file download to get version 1.2 doom.exe which was the file that was corrupt on the disk. Here's a link of some old dos games circa doom era (including Blake Stone and Rise of the Triad on floppies) many of them are under $10, including DooM (but Ultimate on CD-Rom :-/ no Doom 1-3 on floppies) buy old dos games I did find doom 2 original box on floppies for $20: Doom 2 on floppies on ebay I wonder what kind of collection former id team members have kept if any. Waiting for each disk to install, the prompt for the next disk, taking out the disk, inserting the next disk. what a moron." Just the way the people here are on doomworld!īack to my point. "hahaha, kid thinks we're gonna send him new disks. They were dicks to me on the phone which was sad because they were like my heroes and all.

doom registered 1.9

I remember I called id Software after one of my floppies became damaged.

Doom registered 1.9